How Bullying Affects Children’s Brains

When a child is constantly bullied, they will experience changes in their brain. Let’s see what research reveals about how bullying affects children’s brains.
How bullying affects children's brains

We all know how harmful bullying is to children who deal with it on a daily basis. Unfortunately, its consequences can be fatal. That’s why we want to talk to you about how bullying affects children’s brains.

If you know a child who has been bullied, you know that the consequences can be both physical and mental. Thanks to the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – English link) we learned even more about this. Particularly because of the interesting research that has been carried out at King’s College London (UK).

How does bullying affect children’s brains?

According to the study we mentioned above, it is clear that constantly suffering from bullying can cause physical and mental changes. This can make children more susceptible to mental illness in the future.

A teenage boy sitting on the floor at school, surrounded by a group of bullies.

This is easy to understand, in the words of María José Acebes, a neuropsychologist who works as a staff member at the UOC:

Bullying also affects the prefrontal cortex, which can cause problems in successfully solving problems. It also makes it difficult to deal with more intense emotions. Ongoing treatment is necessary for the affected person so that they can cope well with what they are experiencing. In addition, this helps them prevent mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety from developing in the future.

In addition, with this constant emotional stress and the triggering of mental illness, there is a greater chance of phobias, self-harming behaviors and even suicidal thoughts. And in the most complicated cases, it can actually lead to suicide.

At the same time, post-traumatic disorders can develop from being constantly alert and anxious. This feeling can lead to serious physical and emotional problems for the person suffering from the problem. This is how bullying affects children’s brains.

The study: How bullying affects children’s brains

The study took place in the United Kingdom and involved studying the brains of several adolescents between the ages of 14 and 19. Those who had endured prolonged bullying had a decrease in the areas of the brain where calm reigns, increasing anxiety.

The positive of this research is that in adolescence, the nervous system can modulate. In addition, as the brain is still developing, it can unlearn what it has learned and, with the necessary support, reestablish the connections that bring it back to a state of peace and tranquility. That is, without having to live in a learned and constant state of alertness.

Group bullying is the most common form of bullying in adolescence. In a group, bullies become more vicious, which is why they behave ‘like a herd’. They do everything as a gang, leaving and tormenting their victim .

Adolescents tend to want group approval and by bullying the victim, they express those insecurities that they don’t want others to notice. In addition, social networks can make bullying worse, longer and deeper.

Solutions against bullying

An elementary school boy who is being bullied.

It is essential to find solutions with everyone to prevent bullying from becoming a bigger problem than it already is. It is important that all schools have rules. This ensures that any form of direct, indirect or online bullying is treated as a serious crime.

It is therefore advisable that schools, depending on the seriousness of the facts, inform the appropriate authorities. In this way, the right consequences for the aggressor can be sought. And the victim can not only get protection, but also find the necessary tools to cope with the situation.

In all of this, it is essential to publicize those who witness bullying so that they do not remain silent and report what they see. They should also be protected and feel obligated to report bullying experienced by another classmate. In this way, it is easier for the school to solve the problem without going through criminal proceedings.

In short, both bullies and victims should receive quality psychological help. Both may suffer from mental illness in the future that will shape their lives. And all this can be prevented if we all follow the same path of good coexistence and respect for others and for ourselves.

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