How To Promote Children’s Emotional Intelligence

How to promote children's emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, appreciate and value our emotions and those of others so that our actions can be in accordance with the emotions we feel. But how do you promote children’s emotional intelligence?

In this article, we explain how you can help your children become more emotionally intelligent and aware.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Many scientific studies have concluded that the skills necessary for success in life cannot be measured with intelligence tests.

A brilliant brain and a high IQ won’t do us much good if we don’t understand the emotions of others and are not empathetic.

Most parents are aware that the education of their children is closely linked to the proper development of their emotions. Family relationships play a key role in the emotional well-being of the entire family.

On the other hand, relationships can also cause conflict and discomfort, triggering negative emotions that affect the whole family.

A peaceful, calm, harmonious and happy home will be a perfect environment for your child to channel their emotions.

Parents are role models for their children. Therefore, parents must first be aware of their own emotions.  Which means they need to be aware of the emotions they are feeling. As well as the causes and possible consequences.

How to promote children’s emotional intelligence

To help our children manage their emotions correctly, we must teach them to articulate their emotions from childhood. It is good to teach them to connect with themselves so that they can better understand how they are feeling and then articulate it.

Any situation or time of day can be an opportunity for them to practice and develop their own emotional awareness.

Mind and heart in balance

It is also important that they pay attention to their emotions whether they are positive, such as when they are happy, or negatively, when they feel sadness or anger. Then they can identify and label these emotions.

They should also try to find the cause of that emotion, to find out what led to it and more importantly, why they feel that way. In short, that they become more emotionally aware on their own.

When it comes to negative emotions, teach children to look for alternatives to these emotions. For example, if something has made them angry, show them that they can react in many different ways in the same situation and that we don’t always make the best decision.

In many cases, emotions are responsible for our thoughts and actions, so if we learn about them and act on them, we can be more empathetic and flexible.

Characteristics of parents’ emotional intelligence

  • They have the physical and mental tools for self-control.
  • They rely on facts first rather than prejudice. First impressions aren’t everything.
  • They have the ability to see the good side of things.  In other words, to transform something negative into something positive.
  • They know how to take responsibility for their actions and learn from their mistakes.
  • They are also able to set boundaries and are firm when necessary.
  • They are open to meeting new people.

How can you work on emotional education with your child?

From a very early age, our children are exposed to many emotions and feelings, which they must learn to perceive in a positive way in order to behave well.

This is to ensure that they have good social skills and can participate actively in society. This is reflected in their personal satisfaction.

Here are some things you should do with your child to promote the development of emotional intelligence.

Boy shows different emotions


  • Create the opportunity where they can speak and listen openly and actively.
  • Replace closed questions with open questions.

Recognize powers

  • Cheer on your children’s achievements and the effort they’ve had.
  • Do not label inappropriate behavior.
  • Encourage affection.

Help them through difficult times

  • Make them feel safe and calm.

Help them manage their emotions

  • Help them face a situation and find a solution together.
  • Approach conflict in a way that your child can learn from it.

Keep in mind that promoting your child’s emotional intelligence will not only help you have a good relationship and communication at home. It will also allow them to develop naturally in the future. Moreover, they will be able to make their own decisions and act accordingly. 

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