How To Quickly Make Your Child Stop Crying

Crying is the only way babies can express themselves. As parents, we should try to figure out why our little ones cry and what we can do to calm them down. Affection, breastfeeding and walking are some of the best medicines for a crying baby.
How to quickly get your child to stop crying

There is no magic solution to make your baby stop crying. But there are several parent- and pediatrician-approved methods, techniques, and habits that you can try for yourself.

The arrival of a new member of the family brings great joy. When you hear your little one crying, it’s natural to want to pick her up and comfort her right away. However, you may hear comments from friends and family such as “Make her cry”.

Remember that your child is completely dependent on you to meet her needs. When your child cries, she’s letting you know she needs you.

Reasons Your Baby May Be Crying

As parents, especially new parents, we face a big task: learning to interpret our child’s cues. There are many reasons why your child might cry:

  • Hunger: This is the most common motive and perhaps the easiest to solve – just breastfeed your little one or make a bottle.
  • Gas: The gases in your baby’s stomach and intestines can cause her to cry a lot.
  • Dirty diaper: Discomfort caused by a wet or dirty diaper can upset your baby and her tears are a way to get your attention.
  • Tiredness: Sometimes babies have trouble falling asleep even though they are tired. As a result, they get irritated.
  • Desire to be held: It is normal – and healthy – for babies to seek attention and physical contact and cry to get it.
  • Temperature changes: Your baby will express her discomfort caused by these changes by crying.
  • Teething: When your child’s teeth come through, the pressure and the eruption through the gums cause pain. And this, of course, results in tears.
  • Health: If your baby isn’t feeling well, it could be the result of a fever caused by a viral or bacterial infection. If so, then the crying may be different than usual, so you need to know how to tell the difference when this happens.
    Crying baby with gray hat

What to do if your baby cries

The list above describes the most common causes behind a baby’s tears. However, keep in mind that sometimes babies cry for no apparent reason.

But still, a mother can learn to calm her child. Usually all you need to do is listen to your maternal instinct.

Here is a list of some basic tips that every mother should know to calm her crying baby:

To swing

Without a doubt, there is nowhere better for your baby to be than in your arms. Just feeling your touch and smelling your skin gives your baby a sense of security.

Take a walk or a ride

Whether in your home or on a walk around the neighborhood, the sense of movement and visual experience soothe your baby. Sometimes your baby needs a little more entertainment so you can try going for a ride. Be careful though – while this is a very effective method, it can also become a bad habit.


Your loving hands and a little moisturizer can be the perfect cure for your baby’s crying.

A change of arms

Believe it or not, your baby also loves to experiment. While your arms will always be her favorite, it’s natural for babies to want to try new experiences. Spending time in someone else’s arms can be the solution.

your heart rate

To help your child stop crying, place her on your chest and lean back so she can feel your heartbeat. This position allows your baby to feel your warmth and protection. In addition, it will remind her of the time she was in your womb, which will calm her down.


Breastfeeding is an infallible natural resource. Breastfeeding your baby makes her feel a total attachment to you and enjoy seeing you up close. As you look into each other’s eyes, your bond will deepen.

Baby cries with closed eyes and open mouth

Further advice to help your baby stop crying

As a mother who gets to know her child more and more every day, you always have an asset in your hands.

Maybe your baby is crying and you don’t know why and you have already tried the previous suggestions.

Why not take your baby on an outing to spend some time together?

Tell your baby everything you are doing. Show your little one something new and interesting. It could be a painting, a flower or whatever on the other side of the window.

You can also try taking your baby’s diaper off for a few minutes.

This gives your little one a sense of freedom and it allows her to experience a new feeling. It may be just what your baby needs to distract her and get her to stop crying.

Finally, if your baby isn’t hungry and isn’t tired or sick, she might just be bored or need a break.

Even at this sensitive young age, your baby is experiencing a process of experiencing new things.

Therefore, these simple tips will help you to help your baby stop crying easily and naturally. Remember that the best remedy you can offer your child is always a mother’s love. 

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