Important! How Do You Save Your Child’s Life If They Suddenly Stop Breathing?

Important!  How do you save your child's life if he suddenly stops breathing?

We hope this never happens, but if you find yourself in such a dramatic situation, we want you to be prepared. Here we will share with you how to save your child’s life if he suddenly stops breathing. 

The main thing is to quickly analyze the situation and to remain calm. When a baby or child stops breathing, this can have various causes. It is essential to understand the situation your child is in and to act accordingly.

Reasons your child stops breathing


What to do if your child stops breathing

Choking is the obstruction of the airways. It usually occurs when a child is eating. The child does not chew the food well before swallowing it.

The choking is caused by large pieces that the child cannot chew, for example large pieces of meat. This is why it is important to give small pieces of food or puree until they learn to chew well.

We should also not forget foods that are sticky such as chewing gum or candies that are not recommended until a child is a certain age. Another form of suffocation is if a child swallows a small object. It is therefore important to always keep a close eye on the child.


Drowning occurs when a child can no longer breathe when the entrance to the airway is filled with a liquid. This type of suffocation is most common in the summer, when the family spends time in the pool or at the beach.

Lack of supervision when taking a bath can also be a danger. It is important to know that just a few centimeters of water can be dangerous.

It is therefore very important to keep an eye on your children at all times.


Pneumonia is the acute inflammation of the lungs. This disease often occurs after a ‘ill-treated’ cold. The onset of pneumonia is characterized by inflammation in the upper respiratory tract with symptoms such as rhinitis and fever.

After onset, the inflammation descends to the lower respiratory tract causing respiratory distress and accelerated breathing. With proper medical care, our children do not have to experience any health problems.

The pediatrician prescribes antibiotics and bronchodilator medications to facilitate the passage of air. This along with hydration helps our child to overcome this crisis.


This condition is the narrowing of the trachea. As a result of a cramping of the muscles around the windpipe, breathing problems are caused. The best thing to do in this case is to go to the emergency room because your child may not be getting enough oxygen.


Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

It happens when the bronchi that are above the lungs become inflamed due to an infection. The onset of bronchitis is usually a condition in the nose or throat that later spreads to the lungs.

In the case of bronchitis, pediatricians prescribe bronchodilators and antibiotics to improve air intake and also to cure the infection.

What to do if your child stops breathing: take temperature


Mucus in the upper respiratory tract often causes a cough. Cough is a natural mechanism the body uses to expel mucus.

There are times when this mucus reaches the lower respiratory tract. This happens at times when a child is unable to remove it properly, after which inflammation occurs.

In very small babies, excessive mucus build-up can cause choking and even cause your baby to stop breathing.

To prevent this, nasal sprays are recommended. Nasal sprays can be used to clear the airways and deal with mucus.

What should you do if your child is not breathing?

Seek help as soon as possible

We need to find a way to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

We have two possible options: go quickly to the emergency room at the hospital or call the emergency services (112).

While help is on the way

The Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich maneuver is a first aid procedure used to unclog the airways, which may be blocked by a piece of food or small object.

It is an effective technique to save lives when there is suffocation.  The person choking should be placed on a hard surface with their face up. Then place your hands together from behind at the height of the stomach of the choking person and press several times in the direction of the chest.


CPR is an emergency procedure used to save lives when a person stops breathing and the heart stops beating.

It consists of performing 120 compressions per minute. CPR combines mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with chest compressions. This should be done until the respiratory and cardiac functions are restored, on their own or artificially by professionals.

In the case of a baby, CPR is done by pushing the baby on the sternum with 2 fingers. Try to maintain a rhythm of 100-120 compressions per minute.

Never forget that in situations like this every second counts. Try to get professional help as soon as possible. 

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