Improve Your Child’s Handwriting With These Fun Games

Improve your child's handwriting with these fun games

Handwriting is a skill that can be improved. Just spend a few hours a day practicing. If your goal is to help improve your child’s handwriting so that it is beautiful and legible, this article will help you do just that.

Improve finger strength

For good handwriting, your child’s fingers must be strong. Keep in mind that the fingers hold the pencil and many of the movements made while writing are done through the fingers.

For this purpose, we recommend buying plasticine to cut and mold at will.

Give your child a sheet of paper and teach him to tear. It is not necessarily important to follow the lines, but to hold the paper well and tear it with your thumb and forefinger.

Give him crayons, crayons, watercolors and paintbrushes. Your child needs to practice with pencils and brushes to master them. He will thereby strengthen his still weak fingers and perform exercises that help improve handwriting.

Supervise your child so that he performs all games and their movements correctly. This is also a great excuse to spend time together, learning and being entertained.

Teach him to play music on the piano, using the hand mainly used for writing. Or, if you prefer, show him how to play the strings of a guitar.

Handwriting in pencil

Offer him a pair of scissors to cut with. The scissors are held with the thumb and index finger. These, as we know, play an important role in handwriting.

Have him type on the computer keyboard. Although children should actually write more by hand and use fewer keyboards. When he is just learning to write, a keyboard can help him in the beginning. To achieve agility and mastery with his fingers.

Stripe games to improve handwriting

Making stripes over and over in a sequence is the best way to teach your child to write well. That is why we recommend that you let your child streak for at least an hour a day.

For example, show him how to make spirals, to make them bigger, smaller, with more or less twists, in colors… remember that the exercise has to be a bit of fun to make it more attractive.

Try to sketch one of his favorite characters using dots. For example, if your child likes Mickey Mouse, look for a drawing of him. Place it on a white sheet of paper and follow the outline of its main features, making dots. We recommend marking points within a reasonable distance.

When Micky Mouse’s dotted outline is outlined, ask your child to mark it. By connecting the dots without lifting the pencil. This is an excellent and fun exercise to gain control over the stripes and improve handwriting.

Another recommended handwriting activity is to give your kid a lined notebook and teach him to draw repetitive shapes without lifting the pencil, such as squares, ovals, stars and so on.

Give him the freedom to make stripes at will. When he was younger, your child naturally loved to write on the walls or any other surface placed in front of him.

Well, now might be a good time to let him draw where he wasn’t before… within the boundaries of course. For example, give him colored chalk and let him draw on the sidewalk in front of your house or garage.

Child writes with a marker

Improve your kid’s handwriting with these fun games

In order to improve your child’s handwriting, it is also important that you take the time to teach him to draw all the letters he learns in school.

To motivate him, you can reward him with a star or praise him for doing his best.

Remember that when your child is writing, he or she must sit correctly. Back straight and against the chair, as if glued, with one hand holding the sheet of paper and the other hand resting with the elbow on the table. Don’t “lie” or bend over on the paper, as that bad posture will affect your child’s handwriting. 

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