Inducing Labor: 5 Medical Reasons

Inducing labor should only be done for medical reasons. However, there are parents who want to choose the moment for personal reasons. How do you think about this?
Inducing labor: 5 medical reasons

Inducing labor is a sensitive process that consists of an intervention that artificially initiates the delivery of the baby. When labor is worked up, this process is started without waiting for its natural onset.

In most cases, labor is induced for medical reasons. However, sometimes parents make this choice for personal reasons. There may also be an emergency.

In recent years, it has become popular to give birth at a chosen time. In this way, the parents choose a moment that suits them best. Some parents have to adjust their work schedule accordingly. Sometimes they simply want to determine the date of birth.

Despite the current tendency to choose this for personal reasons, doctors do not recommend it.

Inducing labor should only be done for medical reasons, according to the American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This means that they only recommend this when the life of the fetus is at risk. He may then no longer remain in the womb.

What are the considerations of doctors when inducing labour?

What are the considerations of doctors when inducing labour

All pregnancies are different. Therefore, it is difficult to provide a particular outcome, z ven when the pregnancy well. This does not mean that labor cannot be induced when necessary. However, there must be good reasons. Only then will the doctor induce labour. Below you will find a number of them:

  • When the mother has certain health problems, such as frequent bleeding. High blood pressure and fluid retention are also examples of this. Heart disease and diabetes also play a role. In these cases, this condition must also be a risk to the health of the baby.
  • It is recommended to induce labor if it is determined that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. Even when there is a risk that he is not getting enough nutrients.
  • When  the labor does not continue within a period of 24 to 48 hours after the membranes have ruptured.
  • When the supply of nutrients to the fetus is reduced. Usually when  the pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks. 
  • When it is found that the woman has chorioamnionitis. This is an infection of the uterus. 

Inducing childbirth, how does that work?

There are several medical procedures that doctors use to induce labour. This can happen through the use of drugs.  Here are some of the risks involved.

Medical intervention

The most common drugs used to induce labor are prostaglandin and oxytocin. These are synthetic hormones. The first is inserted into the vagina in the form of a suppository. Often this happens at night so that labor can start the next morning.

At the same time , oxytocin is infused in the form of pytocin and syntocinone.  This drug causes the mother to have contractions. This method speeds up the process that has not yet started on its own.

The risk of this is that it makes the delivery go too fast. As a result, the mother can experience a lot of pain. She also cannot control the force of the contractions.

Artificially breaking the membranes

Inducing labor by artificially breaking the membranes

When doctors induce labor, the membranes must also be ruptured. Normally, the membranes rupture naturally during the onset of labour.

However, there are drugs that can do this artificially. This causes the body to produce prostaglandin. An increased level of this hormone promotes the contractions that lead to the birth of the baby.

To do this , the doctor enters the vagina with a plastic hook. With this he touches the membrane. This ensures that the baby gets into the correct position. His head turns down. This creates contractions. The mother feels the same if her waters would have broken naturally.

This procedure has a number of advantages. First, it’s fast. It also allows the fluid to be examined right away. However , it also has drawbacks. For example, there is a risk that the baby will not turn in the correct position, even if the water has broken.

Complications can also arise. This can cause the umbilical cord to become tangled. There is also an increased risk of infections. This is caused by the time that elapses between the rupture of the membranes and the injection.

Natural Stimulation

When they induce labour, there is also a natural technique that is usually effective. Doctors recommend stimulating the mother’s nipples. This can be done by hand or with forceps. Stimulation of the nipples triggers the production of the hormone oxytocin, which leads to the onset of contractions. 

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