Is It Exhausting Being A Full-time Mom?

As a mother you have the feeling that you are always busy tidying up and cleaning but there is never an end to it. You know that feeling? Then take a look at this video.
Is it tiring to be a full-time mom?

Without a doubt, the best title we receive in our lives is that of motherhood. That’s why many women feel that the job of being a full-time mother is the best job.

However, as you can see in this funny YouTube video, being a full-time mom can be very tiring. It’s a job where we spend a lot of our time looking after others, 365 days a year, and forgetting about ourselves.

In addition, there is no better reward than the satisfaction of doing our best for our family. However, we miss any kind of rest and vacation. It’s a job that not everyone would sign up for. However, many women take on these tasks with great love and dedication.

That’s why one American mother showed how difficult it is to do household chores with a baby around. She does this to prove to the world that this is the most difficult task in existence.

This video shows how exhausting it is to be a full-time mom

Have you ever had the feeling that clothes that you have folded and put away are suddenly in a different place ? Has this ever happened to you? Or something you’ve wiped or cleaned up suddenly returns to its original state?

These common moments are portrayed by a young woman who understands these sensations and inexplicable moments. She knows this thanks to her 15-month-old baby.

This charming video shows the typical life of a mother. This includes toys that are always everywhere, even when we are cleaning and trying to keep them in place.

As you can see on YouTube, being a full-time mom is not an easy task. It becomes even more difficult when you do all the activities with a small child, who is behind you again cluttering up everything you just cleaned up. Hence the dreaded question at the end of the day; “what have you been doing all day?”  You will also hear unnecessary accusations.

This video reminds you of what it means to be a full-time mom

This perfect video that far from the ode to despair and stress experienced by many women, summarizes common situations of motherhood in a minute and twenty seconds  along which many viewers were happy over the world.

The video shows the implications of full-time motherhood and has been viewed more than 12,572,000 times. The video is very popular on many networks because it shows the difficulties that every full-time mother faces.

However, it is worth clarifying that the video not only highlights how difficult it is to keep the house tidy and do all the household chores with a young child, but also the time it takes to keep them clean and healthy. .

For example, have you ever washed your baby after playing in the park and then had to do it again because he got dirty while eating? Those are moments that a full-time mother always experiences. This also includes cleaning and disinfecting the house after the child has played or eaten.

Exhausted, but satisfied and happy

It’s true, no guidebook has been able to prepare us for these sides of motherhood like this video has. Being a full-time mother takes dedication and patience, which you develop naturally.

You may feel tired, frustrated, or even want to give up. But there are days when you understand what it means to be a full-time mom. You are a mom with different jobs: nurse, cook, teacher, storyteller, tear dryer, etc.

Some days are harder than others, but always keep smiling as you continue to tidy and clean your house. You do it for your children and the family you have formed. You continue to set boundaries, because not everything that comes with raising children is rosy.

As a mother you experience magical, sweet and happy moments, but of course also frustrating, sad and unpleasant moments. These moments are shown in the video. But all these moments are a part of your life and you need to know how to deal with them.

After all, we love our kids, right?

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