Keeping The House Tidy – 12 Useful Habits

Keeping the house tidy - 12 useful habits

Keeping the house tidy when you have small children is a big challenge. You will constantly have to deal with toys lying around and food stains on the walls and carpet.

However, there are some practical tips that can help you save time when you’re cleaning.

Of course, you should also get your little one in the habit of keeping the house tidy. Taking responsibility for someone else’s belongings should also become a habit. Begin assigning simple tasks at an early age that will help keep the house tidy. Just make sure that the tasks are appropriate for the specific age of the child.

Keeping the house tidy when you are busy – some tricks for moms

In the bedroom

  • Make the bed immediately when you get up. Making your bed right away unconsciously improves productivity. This way you will also be less likely to crawl back into bed.
  • Clean the nightstand every day. Keep wet wipes handy so that you can clean the nightstand immediately after waking up. This way you can prevent tasks from piling up for the weekend
    Keeping the house tidy: overview
  • Check the cabinets regularly. Try to keep a little space in each closet for things the family no longer uses. This way you can easily give it away or take it to a thrift store.
  • Sort the clothes you’ve worn during the day. When your clothes pile up, the laundry will take much more time. Get into the habit of pre-sorting clothes into different laundry baskets. You can also make sure that everything has a permanent place in the closet.
  • Provide a laundry basket for each member of the family. In this way, everyone can take responsibility for neatly sorting his or her dirty clothes. Make sure you have an extra laundry basket for sheets and the like.
  • Avoid stacking clothes that need to be folded. Resist the urge to throw clothes in a corner after washing and drying them and forget about them. You will lose less time if you store the clothes neatly immediately after drying.

In the bathroom

  • Spray some detergent on the walls after you shower. Take a few minutes to clean the shower a bit. This will make it easier to remove stains. Simply spray them with some detergent, let it work on the dirt and then clean them.
  • Clean the toilet as part of your bedtime routine. When you brush your teeth and wash your face, you can quickly go to the toilet with a wet cloth. In this way, the toilet will be clean and fresh when you wake up in the morning.
  • Organize the bathroom a bit before going to sleep. With all the make-up, toiletries and fallen hair, it can quickly give a chaotic impression. To avoid stubborn stains, try cleaning every evening.

In the kitchen

  • Everyone should clean the cutlery and the like that he or she has used. When the children are old enough, they should learn to wash their own dishes, at least in the morning. This way your house will look less chaotic when you come home after work.
Keeping the house tidy: the dishes
  • Clean while you cook. It is best to divide household chores between yourself, your partner and the children. This way, no one is suddenly overwhelmed with too much work. You can also divide tasks in turn. This way it stays fair for everyone.
  • Clean the oven and microwave after each use. An oven that is used several times in succession will be difficult to clean. Therefore do this immediately. The less time there is between cleanings, the better.

You can also keep the house tidy by simply having a fixed place for everything.

Use specific drawers for toys, school supplies, toiletries, and makeup.

You can easily avoid clutter if you have a place to organize the family’s belongings.

Involve your family in the cleaning so that everyone learns to take care of their belongings. This makes it a habit for everyone to keep the house tidy. And in this way, your children will learn the importance of a house that is neat and tidy.

The idea is that you as a team do things together that benefit everyone in the family. Keeping the house tidy should not be a tedious task. 

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