Mothers Are Never Free After Birth

When is the last time you had some time for yourself? Mothers are always busy, motherhood is a full time job but we do it with lots of luck and love.
Mothers are never free after birth

Mothers are never free from the moment the children are born. They now have other priorities in life. The time for relaxing and doing nothing is over. Nights out and parties are a rarity. Being a mother comes with a lot of responsibilities.

Little by little you put days out and vacation fades into the background.  Sleeping in until noon used to be your favorite activity. Watching movies endlessly without making dinner is no longer an option. But that was before your pregnancy.

Although most women want to start a family from an early age, as a mother you also have to leave many things behind. From now on you can no longer do everything you want. You are busy taking care of your child. Mothers are never free.

In fact, looking after your child, caring for and protecting them gives new meaning to enjoying life.

holiday by the sea

Mothers do things out of love and happiness

A mother’s responsibilities are endless. However, most things she does out of happiness, out of love. Mama never has a day off, because it’s impossible for her not to do what’s most important to her: take care of her family.

Once the kids go to school, you might want to relax a bit. But in fact you are already used to the things you do for your children. You may even get bored without them. Being busy all day keeps you busy.  

On those rare occasions when there is nothing to do, you still look for a task to occupy yourself. It may even seem like you are killing time until you can pick up the kids from school. A mother might say that she never has complete peace of mind when her children are not within her line of sight.

Holidays are different for mom

When you’re a mom, the vacations you once knew are a thing of the past. You will not be able to turn yourself off and you will often be tense and tired of walking back and forth to get your baby to sleep.

When you think about it, the mother is often the one who isn’t in family photos. She was the one behind the camera or she was busy making lunch. Your routine on days off will look something like this:

  • At the weekend, when your children are not at school, you are still busy at home.
  • You or your partner will still have to get up early to make breakfast.
  • Days out will be exhausting no matter how much you enjoy spending time with the family.
  • You will have to plan holidays in advance, taking into account the school schedule.
mothers are never free

Mothers are always alert

And when you finally have some time for yourself, you hear: “Why can’t you relax, we’re on vacation, right?”. But even on vacation there is still way too much to take care of. Your days are getting longer, without a school that takes the kids away from home for a while. 

Take a day off and go to the beach, for example. We as mothers are always very alert when our children come close to the water. We worry about drowning and at least about sunburn.

Sometimes it is best to stay with them when they are playing to avoid accidents. Or to save them from eating a bite of sand.

When our loved ones come to visit, it may be the only time we can relax. They do keep an eye on the children, while we relax or chat for a while. However, not everyone has access to this kind of support.

Will mommy ever be free?

Of course, the real holiday feeling returns when your kids are old enough to be independent.  But there will always be something where your kids need your help in one way or another.

You will always call them to make sure they are okay, that they are safe, that they are eating well and that they have done their homework. A mother’s work never ends. When everyone is on vacation, she is still working.

Mothers are never free. It is a 24/7 job, but it is a job where you get a lot in return.  You get paid with a smile and wet kisses. You are paid with fun and games, which more than make up for your lost free time. After all, being a mother is the most difficult and important task in the world.

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