Nail Biting – Why Do Children Bite Their Nails?

There are several reasons why a child bites his nails. Keep an eye on it though, because it can have adverse effects and there may be a reason such as fear behind it.
Nail biting - why do children bite their nails?

Onychophagia, or nail biting, is a common phenomenon in children. There are also many adults who bite their nails. But why do children bite their nails?

This common habit can start as early as the age of three. It is a habit that is very difficult to break. That’s why it’s not uncommon for adults to still do it.

However, we should try to prevent children from getting into the habit of biting their nails and/or swallowing their nails.

Although it is very common, nail biting can have unpleasant consequences in children. It can affect children’s development, oral health and confidence.

We will explain here why children bite their nails. We also discuss some simple ways to help them get rid of this habit.

Causes of nail biting and the associated risks

Nail biting is not a disease, but a bad habit, a rather compulsive one. That is, it is not done consciously and has no hidden meaning or purpose,  such as, for example, attracting the attention of the parents. The cause may lie in the thumb sucking habit that has not been completely unlearned.

But there can also be other possible causes. Children can also adopt this habit from:

  • curiosity
  • boredom
  • imitation
  • habit
  • as a way to relieve stress.

It is a way of dealing with the intense emotions of childhood. If you see your child biting their nails, perhaps often unconsciously, without realizing it, without it getting to extremes and not hurting your child, there is probably no cause for concern.

Causes of nail biting and the associated risks

In most cases, children stop biting their nails on their own as they get older. But it’s important that kids don’t start this habit anyway.  It does come with some risks.

For starters, children can hurt themselves. In addition, nail biting can cause gum infections. In addition, nail biting can affect the development and growth of their teeth and promote the appearance of warts.

And finally, all these problems can affect their self-confidence for aesthetic reasons.

How can you prevent your child from biting his nails?

Usually it resolves itself: children just stop by themselves. But if the nail biting continues or becomes very annoying, there are some easy ways to help kids get rid of it.

First of all , as parents, we must be patient and understanding with our children.

Some ways to prevent nail biting are:

You can’t break a habit in one day. You will need time, patience and perseverance.

  1. Don’t punish your child.  It is never a child’s conscious decision to bite a nail. And that makes it hard for you to avoid it. Punishing a child for something he does not consciously do will be of little use.
  2. Rather try to find out the causes. Regardless of the remedy you use, if you don’t know the cause of your child’s nail biting, you won’t be able to get rid of this habit. Talk to your child, explain the possible consequences of nail biting and discover together how you can change the situation. You should also pay attention to the situations that trigger nail biting,
  3. Give him alternatives.  You can suggest other activities or relaxation techniques when he feels the urge to bite his nails. Other activities will distract him and help ignore the tendency to bite his nails. In addition, these other activities will reduce the tension and nervousness he feels.
  4. Motivate him to take up a sport. Since nail biting is usually due to stress, physical activity can help give up this habit. In addition, practicing sports during childhood is important and healthy.
  5. Be very patient.  It takes more than a day to break a habit. It is a long and slow process that requires a lot of effort and perseverance. Encourage your child to find ways to control the impulse of nail biting and support him.
Some ways to prevent nail biting are

When is there cause for concern?

If your child exhibits other nervous behavior besides nail biting, don’t ignore them: take him to a pediatrician.

Nail biting is easily underestimated because there are so many kids who bite the nails. In some cases , biting your nails can be a sign of undue anxiety. If your child’s fingers are cut or sometimes bleed, or if he has warts or infections, you should take him to a doctor for treatment.

Remember, it is highly recommended to see a pediatrician if this habit is accompanied by other nervous behavior or tics. For example, other types of nervous behavior may include:

  • your child squeezes his own skin
  • picks his eyelashes
  • his sleep pattern changes. 

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