Natural Remedies That Are Dangerous For Children

Over the years we have heard a lot about the benefits of natural remedies used to cure various diseases and conditions. However, it is important to know that not all of them are intended for children.
Natural remedies that are dangerous for children

Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. There are a number of natural remedies that are dangerous for children.

In general, people think that herbs are not dangerous because of their natural properties. However, this is not always true. While they have positive medical effects and can be beneficial to our bodies,  natural remedies can also be dangerous.

A large number of products in the store have the word ‘natural’ on their label. For example, think of food, cosmetics and cleaning products.

What is striking about these products is that you can simply buy these natural remedies. They are sold without a prescription and are eventually given to children.

Herbal or natural medicine, as it is also known, is the use of plants to treat ailments or diseases. In general, you can:

  • taken orally in the form of capsules or tablets,
  • use as an infusion or oil
  • use as an ointment so that you can apply it to your skin.

Can children use natural remedies?

It is common for certain plants to be considered medicinal and used to treat minor ailments in children. The most common ailments that are treated are for example:

  • cramp
  • diarrhea
  • fever and cold
  • stomach ache
  • even asthma

However, natural remedies, no matter how often we use them, can be dangerous for children. Not only can they cause side effects, but small children also have a fragile immune system that can be easily compromised.

There are studies showing that certain plants used as medicines can have adverse effects on children. You should therefore consider their age and weight before giving them any kind of medicine.

Always remember that your child’s digestive system is not yet working optimally and may be sensitive. Poisoning is one of the most common symptoms.

Natural remedies for ailments

5 Natural Remedies That Are Dangerous For Kids

star anise

Mothers often use star anise to prevent gas, especially in young children. It’s common for people to add a little star anise to bottle feeding to prevent cramping. 

You should remember that star anise infusions can have harmful effects on children. For example, it can cause heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Sweet-smelling goose foot

Sweet-smelling goose foot, which is of Mexican origin, is always recommended to eliminate certain parasites and intestinal worms in children. It is recommended to consume as a tea on an empty stomach.

In reality , this plant is very poisonous and can be life-threatening for children under 5 years old. The main symptoms are:

  • stomach ache
  • dizziness
  • yield


This plant is often used to make tea. Nevertheless, chamomile tea has negative effects on the intestines of children. A high dose can cause:

  • yield
  • severe diarrhea
  • even dehydration


People recommend willow as a remedy for many ailments, but mainly to treat muscle aches and fever. Willows are high in salicin, which gives them analgesic properties.

People often use willow trees to make tea. Mothers generally give it to children when they have symptoms of a fever or a cold. 

Willow tea, however, is not suitable for children aged 0 to 12 years. This is because consuming plants with salicylates can be very dangerous for children.

Salicylates are also an ingredient in aspirin and have serious effects on your liver and brain. This active ingredient can also cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

A child with a fever

Castor oil

A high percentage of cases of children poisoned by natural remedies are caused by essential oils, whether through external or internal use. Giving these oils to children is therefore not a good idea.

Castor oil, for example, is a laxative and therefore often given to children with chronic constipation. However, this can have serious adverse effects on children, such as:

  • bowel obstruction
  • bronchial diseases
  • severe diarrhea
  • stomach ache

As we have seen , there are certain natural remedies that are dangerous for children. So we should always check with a pediatrician before administering any natural medicine.

Remember that the recommended adult dose may be dangerous for a baby or child under 5 years old. The side effects of medicinal plants can worsen your child’s condition or symptoms.

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