Organization In Children: How Do You Teach Them?

Children need motivation when it comes to organization. It doesn’t help if the parents lose their patience.
Organization in children: how do you teach them?

Being organized is a quality that affects many aspects of life. That is why it is important to teach organization to children from an early age. This is a great investment in the future.

Organization in children: it is not an obvious combination. Parents have a different opinion about a  neat and tidy room than children.

That is why it is important that children learn to be responsible. How can you achieve this? We will try to explain that in this article.

Motivate your child by showing understanding

Your goal is to teach your child to keep his or her room tidy. This way you can ensure that this becomes a habit for the rest of life.

In other words, their room should not always look like a battlefield. Plus, you don’t want the whole house full of stuff they left behind or forgot to clean up.

However, you cannot expect to achieve this goal through punishment. In addition, it will take time.

Patience will be your main tool to achieve this goal. It can also help to lend a hand while organizing yourself.

Your child will be motivated to clean up on their own if you help them. This includes his clothes, shoes, the bicycle, books, crayons, etc.

In this way, the child learns little by little that things must be put back in their permanent place after use.

However, make sure that you do not do all the work instead of your child. You will have to lead by example if you want your child to adopt this habit. In any case, he’ll be watching you closely.

Organization with children: 6 tips that can come in handy

As your child gets older, his personality will develop. That’s why it’s  important to encourage the habit of picking up and putting things away immediately.

Small children need more than motivation alone. They should also learn by seeing examples and through games, for example.

1. Make it a challenge

Why not challenge your child to a game? For example, ask your child, “Who will be able to pick up more stuff in a minute?” A match against you will certainly motivate the child to pick up as much stuff as possible.

You learn organization in children by motivating them

2. Make sure everything has a specific place

Try to organize your child’s room in such a way that there is plenty of storage space. For this you can put boxes in places that are easily accessible for the child.

If the room is shared, it is a good idea to have a corner for the child’s belongings. For example, there may be a corner for books and a corner for toys.

3. Provide a fun and attractive-looking space

For example, you can paint a cupboard in the nursery in a certain color to make it clear where the things should be stored. Try to have a specific place for everything. In this way, your child will learn to see where each toy is best.

The stuff they play with the most should be within reach. This way they don’t have to pull out all the stops every time they want to play with something.

4. Make it a little easier for them

If there is another room in the house next to the nursery where the child likes to play, make sure that something can be stored here as well. This way the child does not have to pick up everything and take it to the other room.

5. Try to limit the amount of stuff they have

Teaching organization to children also means learning to get rid of things they no longer need.

There are many organizations that collect used clothes or toys. It is not necessary to just throw away all used items.

6. Create a calm atmosphere

Try to see everything through your child’s eyes. Remember that they are constantly learning and developing.

Their curiosity is always very great. Therefore, it is normal for them to have a tendency to play with anything they find.

Give your child the opportunity to build up his or her environment. This can sometimes lead to disorder, but it is important that they are left free to do so. They just need to get into the habit of helping clean up after play.

Teaching children the benefits of organization

Teaching children the benefits of organization

Parents tend to lose patience quite quickly when it comes to order and neatness. However, it takes time and effort to teach organization to children. It will be worth all the effort in the end because of all the benefits it brings.

  • It contributes to the organization of the child, both inside and out.  
  • The child will learn that everything has a fixed pitch.
  • Organization helps with other habits such as hygiene.
  • It prepares them for other life stages.

Also remember that teaching someone goes hand in hand with setting a good example. This lesson will have more impact when the child sees that you do what you tell him or her to do.

If you lead by example, your child will surely learn how to take better care of his belongings. 

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