Parental Depression: How It Affects Children

Parental depression can damage the emotional bond between parents and their children. In addition, it can have serious consequences for the development of children. In today’s article we will talk about the main consequences.
Parental Depression: How It Affects Children

Today, about 300 million people suffer from depression. When this happens, it’s not just depressed people who suffer the consequences. It also affects their families. In addition, they suffer the most when there are small children in the family. This is why it is so important to understand parental depression and how it affects children and teens. This way you work on the possible consequences.

It is very important to keep in mind that depression does not only affect children when they live with their parents. In fact, childhood and adolescence are two stages in which children develop their personalities.

Therefore, the context in which they grow will affect the way they see the world and themselves. In addition, it will affect the development of their basic personal skills. These patterns will continue to affect them even into adulthood.

Parental Depression

Father depressed.

Maternal depression and its impact on children have been extensively analysed, especially if this depression occurs after childbirth. Nevertheless, if it is the father who suffers from depression, children are also affected. This is because both parents play the most important role in their children’s lives.

In fact, depression affects parents’ emotional availability and their ability to care for their own children while setting an example for them in their daily lives. Besides, if one of the parents is suffering from depression, things can get tense and negative at home. Depression will also affect the couple’s relationship.

How does parental depression affect children?

Parental depression can affect children in several ways: it affects their emotions, behavior and beliefs. The following are the main consequences of parental depression:

Academic performance

Some studies have found a link between parental depression and children’s poor school performance. Whether this disease occurs after childbirth or at any other time in life, it usually contributes to poor academic performance and behavioral problems in the child.

Certain interesting findings have shown that mothers’ depression affects children more than fathers who suffer from it. Moreover, girls in particular are vulnerable and sensitive to the consequences of this situation.

It weakens the emotional bonds between parents and their children

The bond between parents and their children is based on the ability of parents to provide for the basic needs of their children.

However, when one parent suffers from depression, it weakens their ability to understand their children’s needs and cues. In addition, the bond between parents and children weakens and they form an insecure attachment.

Children learn from depressive behavior

Children learn by imitating other people, especially their parents. When one of the primary caregivers suffers from depression, children are likely to repeat the same negative, pessimistic, and hopeless thoughts. In addition, they will find it difficult to develop good social skills and emotional control.

Children feel insecure and confused

Even adults find it complicated to understand depression. So imagine how hard it can be for kids. Sometimes children do not understand what is happening to their parents, and may even blame themselves for their parents’ problems. Somehow, children believe that their parents’ behavior is their fault.

Moreover, it is the parents who must ensure that their children receive support, comfort and protection. If their own emotions and personal condition do not allow them to perform these functions properly, children may feel confused, insecure and even responsible for the well-being of their parents.

Future Bad Relationships

Growing up with a depressed parent not only affects their relationship with their children, but also the bonds that children build with other people throughout their lives. In fact, the quality of the relationships they will form depends on their personality, beliefs, and skills. And all these aspects are influenced by their parents’ depression. As a result, children are more likely to have unhealthy and negative relationships.

Depressed mother.

Seek help, for you and your children

Facing depression is not an easy task, and many people avoid asking for help because they don’t want to be stigmatized. However, now that you know how depression affects parents and children, it’s important to seek professional help in case you need it.

By doing this, you are doing something to restore your quality of life. Moreover, you contribute to the present and future happiness of your children. Finally, only when you are healthy can you give them the love, attention and guidance they need.

Parental Depression Affects Children

In conclusion, depression is a serious illness that deeply affects people who suffer from it, as well as those around them. Fortunately, there are very good treatments these days. So, after reading all this information, if you think you may be suffering from depression, or if you’ve identified any of the aforementioned symptoms in your children, don’t hesitate to seek help.

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