Protect Yourself From Colds During The Fall Season

Is it possible to prevent colds and other diseases associated with the autumn season? Fortunately, there are good habits that both children and adults can practice to maintain good health.
Protect yourself against colds during the autumn season

When summer ends, the temperature change is quite noticeable. The arrival of the fall season means cold temperatures and winds, which tend to affect our health. Coughs and colds, for example, are starting to pop up everywhere.

However, is it really the cold temperatures that put us at risk of getting sick? The truth is, the low temperatures aren’t really to blame. Rather, it is the attitude we adopt towards it. Read on to find out what we mean.

Why are colds more common during the fall season?

When the cold comes, the humidity in the environment decreases and this contributes to the transmission of viruses in the air. Since people tend to look for warmth when it’s cold outside, we tend to spend more time indoors.

This agglomeration makes it easier for viruses to spread from one person to another.

In addition, cold temperatures tend to make our nasal passages drier. Under these conditions, it is much easier for viruses to enter our respiratory tract. For that reason, we tend to refer to our common cold symptoms as the “common cold.”

At the same time , cold weather lowers our defenses below normal levels. In fact, cold temperatures create a number of conditions that promote the spread of flu symptoms.

A perspective on a low defense

Some people believe that changes in our nasal passages are related to a drop in our immune system due to the cold. When our body temperature drops, the blood vessels in our throat and nose shrink.

It is believed that the circulation of white blood cells in our airways depends on these blood vessels. When these blood vessels get smaller, we may be less protected in these areas. This means that viruses and infections can more easily enter our bodies.

When it comes to warmer countries that have only two seasons, it happens during the rainy season. And just as blood vessels contract in the cold, heat causes them to dilate. The problem is, since the virus has already entered our bodies, it reproduces and affects us.

Does Taking Vitamin C Help?

Boy is sick in bed

The truth is, science has yet to prove the link between vitamin C and improved defenses. If the problem is already in your airways, then vitamin C won’t make any difference to your health.

Contrary to popular belief, drinking plenty of water does not help prevent the spread of viruses either. However, drinking plenty of fluids when you are already sick will help expel the virus through your urine.

A balanced diet with vitamins and minerals does have a positive effect on the immune system. The healing process takes care of itself. Most drugs only help manage the effects of symptoms, but don’t really help you heal faster.

Measures to prevent the spread of colds during the autumn season

Hands under the tap

These guidelines are very effective in preventing the spread of coughs and colds during the fall season:

  • Pack yourself before you go outside: we already know that temperature changes affect the entry of viruses. We must therefore logically stay warm and protect ourselves.
  • Eat citrus fruits: Citrus fruits are also a natural source of vitamin C and other minerals. Their wealth of nutrients helps keep our immune system strong.
  • Wash your hands and face constantly: our hands are a means of transport for viruses and bacteria. If you touch a railing or door handle that a sick person has also touched and then touch your face or mouth, you will contract the germs.
  • Ventilate your home and work space: It is important to open the windows at home or at work. Air circulation provides fresh air in confined areas, preventing the growth of bacteria.

Other tips to protect yourself during the fall season

During cold and rainy days, the measures you take to protect yourself and your children should be stricter. It all starts with a healthy lifestyle accompanied by good eating habits.

During the fall months, the simplest of habits can help. For example, it is important to get at least 8 hours of rest every night. Overloading your body or voice can facilitate the entry of viruses and cause coughs and colds.

It’s also a good idea to change your sheets often and wash clothes that you use for going out. Your mission is to disinfect everything and prevent microorganisms from easily reproducing. Keeping your house clean is key.

Even if you do all of these things, you still run the risk of getting a cold at some point. The good thing is that you already know what is hiding behind coughs and colds. From now on, you can better protect yourself against a cold during the autumn season.

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