Recipes Rich In Iron To Eat During Menstruation

It is completely normal to feel tired during your period. That’s why we give you some recipes rich in iron to eat during menstruation.
Recipes rich in iron to eat during menstruation

The menstrual cycle can occur every 28-35 days and usually first appears when girls are between nine and 12 years old. Furthermore, it takes until women are between 45 and 50 years old. During menstrual cycles, there is vaginal bleeding for about five to seven days, leading to iron loss. That’s why we give you some recipes rich in iron to eat during menstruation.

Some information about iron

First of all, iron is in blood cells and is responsible for transporting oxygen and reducing oxidative damage. Another important fact is that there is heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron comes from foods of animal origin, which is better absorbed than non-heme iron, which comes from vegetables.

Nevertheless, there is a way to improve iron absorption. To do this, you can combine foods with vitamin C sources, such as lemons, oranges, tangerines, peppers, kiwis and pineapple. However, avoid combining foods rich in iron with coffee, tea, milk, yogurt or cheese. This is because of the number of tannins and calcium competing for the same transport protein.

You can find iron in the following foods:

  • Shellfish (shells, cockles, mussels).
  • Meat, especially red meat.
  • Fish and shrimp.
  • Eggs, especially in the yolk.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils and green beans).
  • Green leafy vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach and watercress).
  • Nuts and dried fruits (almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, raisins, dried peach, dried figs, prunes and grated coconut).
  • sunflower seeds.
Vegetables rich in iron.

It is important to keep in mind that from the age of nine the daily amount of iron required is 15 mg. This requirement is modified by the iron loss (approximately per day) during menstruation. It is therefore important to pay attention to this fact because there is a risk of anemia. In addition, the iron loss can cause fatigue.

Recipes rich in iron

We now give you some recipes rich in iron to eat during menstruation. Pay attention!

Sandwich with lentil pate, nuts, watercress and dried tomato


  • 45 – 55 grams of whole wheat bread.
  • 200 grams of boiled lentils.
  • 75 grams of nuts.
  • 1 tablespoon tahini sauce (crushed toasted sesame seeds).
  • Dried tomatoes.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Thyme.
  • Salty.
  • 40 grams of watercress.


First grind the lentils with the tahini sauce, nuts, thyme and olive oil until the mixture becomes a cream. Add salt. Then cut the bread in half and divide the pate. Then wash the watercress and drain well. Finally, place the watercress on the pate and add the dried tomatoes.

Bars of oatmeal, dried peach and coconut : recipes rich in iron


  • 200 grams of oat flakes.
  • 80 grams ounces of dried peaches.
  • 40 grams of almonds.
  • Shredded coconut.
oatmeal bar.


Chop and mix all ingredients in the meat grinder. Finally, use a spoon to pour the preparation into individual moulds. You can keep them in the fridge or freezer to make them last longer.

Baked chickpeas with chard and bell pepper


  • 800 grams of boiled chickpeas.
  • 140 grams of Swiss chard.
  • 2 red peppers.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salty.


First wash the Swiss chard with water and remove all the dirt. Then dry it well and cook it with steam and a dash of oil to prevent it from sticking.

Meanwhile, wash and cut the peppers. Don’t forget to stir the chard so it doesn’t burn. When it’s done, put it on a plate and set it aside. Use the same pan to cook the peppers with oil. When they are soft, add the chickpeas and Swiss chard and mix everything together. Finally, use the herbs you like best.

Sticky rice with shells and shrimp: recipes rich in iron


  • Fish stock.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 ripe tomato.
  • 225 grams of brown rice.
  • 12 red shrimp.
  • 12 shells.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salty.
Brown rice.


First bring water to a boil in a pan. Then wash the tomatoes and mark a cross in them with a knife. Then add the tomatoes to the boiling water for at least two minutes. This way you can peel them more easily.

Then peel the onions and shrimp. Chop the onions and fry them with oil in a pan. Do not forget to stir the preparation so that it does not burn. Once the onions are golden brown, add the grated tomatoes. In the meantime, open the shells with steam, remove the dirt and clean them well.

When the water from the tomatoes begins to evaporate, add the rice. Let it turn golden brown and then cover with the stock. As the stock evaporates, keep adding more. After 20-25 minutes, check if the rice is cooked and remove it from the heat. Let it stand and serve.

The importance of knowing recipes rich in iron

As we mentioned before, you should choose several foods that are rich in iron and combine them. Furthermore, you should include sour fruits in your recipes or eat them for dessert. Another good idea is to add lemon juice at the end of cooking. As a result, you will regain the iron that you may lose during your period. 

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