Stories About Jealousy To Read With Children

Everyone is jealous sometimes, including children. Reading can help you explain and deal with this feeling.
Stories about jealousy to read with children

Even if you try to avoid it, it is inevitable that your children will have to deal with negative emotions. Life is not always easy or fair and certain situations can be difficult for them to process. That is why adult supervision is very important. We will give you some stories about jealousy that can make explaining this emotion a little easier.

If you feel this emotion in your kids, don’t worry. At some point, everyone feels jealousy to a greater or lesser extent. However, the pain and sorrow that comes from wanting something someone else has, such as possessions, qualities, or relationships, can have a significant impact on a child.

Therefore, it is your job as a parent to help them understand and deal with this feeling. Reading can truly be your greatest ally in this task and can provide a comfortable space for dialogue with children. The books we suggest below are excellent options for dealing with the problem of jealousy.

Stories about jealousy to read with children

Family bonds by reading together

1. A Colorful Head

This story by Pedro Pablo Sacristán is in the book Pedro’s Fables , which is only available in English. But this very short text can also be found online for free (English link).

It shows us in a funny way how envy can have negative consequences. The protagonist of this funny story always felt jealousy and greed for what the people around him had. Suddenly, one day, the hairs on his head began to feel the same jealousy towards each other. This led to the boy experiencing a series of surreal events.

Finally, the boy understood that he should enjoy what he had instead of always looking at what others have. Finally, he found a way to see his own opportunities and make the most of them.

2. Envidia

This beautiful children’s book is the work of Violeta Monreal (in Spanish) and is part of a collection dedicated to working on values ​​and feelings that little ones have. We recommend it for ages six and up, although you can read it to younger children as well.

Emma, ​​​​the protagonist of our story, is very jealous of her brothers and her neighbor. However, she embarks on an exciting adventure that lies between reality and fantasy, during which she discovers a magical formula to solve her problem.

At the beginning of the story, the book gives a description of jealousy and the opposite feeling, contentment. This helps children understand and identify the emotion you are working on. Plus, after reading it, you can think about the story together with your kids so you can take the lesson out of it.

3. Red Cat, Blue Cat

This is a hilarious book by Jenni Desmond that is suitable for children of at least four years old and with simple, eye-catching illustrations. Red Cat and Blue Cat live in the same house, but they don’t get along. Every time they intersect, they get into a fight. However, both are jealous of the other. Blue Cat wants to be as fast and agile as Red Cat, while Red Cat wants to be as smart as Blue Cat.

Boy sitting with a book on the couch

The two are willing to do crazy things to look more like the other. But in the end, they discover that being like the other person isn’t as fun as it seems. They then come to the conclusion that it is more important to appreciate and strengthen their own qualities and that they can help each other to improve.

4. Katharine’s Doll

This endearing children’s book, despite being older, will no doubt grab your child’s attention as it will be easy for them to identify with the protagonists. Katharine and Lola are best friends and do everything together until one day Katharine gets a beautiful doll.

Then Lola really wants what her friend has, to the extent that their friendship is in danger. By reading this beautiful story, children will understand that jealousy hurts both those who feel it and those around them.

Read stories about jealousy to teach your children emotional intelligence

Reading with children is not only a great way to have fun, but also a great opportunity to bond emotionally. It also allows us to guide them in identifying, understanding and managing their emotions. With these stories, your child can turn jealousy into a healthy sense of inspiration.

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