Thank You For Being A Single Mom Because Of You

Being a single mother isn’t always easy, but the pure love you get in return makes it all worth it. What are your experiences with this?
Thank you for being a single mom because of you

This is a true story about a single mother. At the same time, however, it is just one of many stories. A story about a single mother who says: thank you for being a single mother because of you.

It is a story about a young university student, who, like many others, was focused on the casual and playful present, the ‘here and now’. Where you still expect everything from life… except motherhood.

But something that initially seemed traumatic to her became the best thing that ever happened to her.

This story is part of a letter that went viral on social media a while ago. It describes some basic ideas of the complex emotional world that many young women find themselves in.

They are in a relationship with someone, get pregnant and are abandoned when they learn this news.

These stories are so common and so recognizable that they can teach us very important lessons.

Sometimes fate forces us to be strong. It makes us discover that what at first seems like the end of the world is actually the stepping stone to the most wonderful experience in life.

We ‘d like to talk about it here at ‘Jebentmama’ .

You have failed me, but you have also given me many things

Thank you for forsaking me but also for giving me many things

Maybe it wasn’t love or maybe I was the love of his life. Encounters take place and attraction makes us feel alive. The love was so intense, no one refuses this when you are 19 years old.

Whether you get a chance to read this or not, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done and thank you for everything you’ve given me.

The main character of this story met her partner at a party when she was in college. Like many other relationships young people have today, after three years together, she began to believe it was “true love, eternal love.”

However, that was not the case. After becoming pregnant, she was immediately abandoned.

At this point, she made a thoughtful and courageous decision. Despite everything, she decided to go ahead with the pregnancy.

I remember sitting in my room on Saturday nights, six months pregnant. I cursed you for putting me in this situation.

And by the way, you should know that I know the real reason why you didn’t come to see me at the hospital. You were too busy to get drunk at a Halloween party.

Thank you for leaving me when I told you I was pregnant

Single mother with sunglasses on

When a woman gets pregnant and it’s an unwanted pregnancy, and she then makes the decision to go through with it, the responsibility is completely on her and she knows it.

It doesn’t matter that she’s been abandoned. It doesn’t matter that her heart is broken and shattered. A new life is growing in her.

  • The girl in our story thanks the person who abandoned her after she became pregnant. She chose to move on with her life. At the end of the day… What use would such a person be in a child’s life?
  • He decided to continue with his parties, relationships, nights full of alcohol and his carelessness.
  • She felt hurt by this, but only for a short time. After a few months she realized that there was a pure, eternal, seamless and beautiful love. It is the love that comes with being a mother.

Thank you for leaving me when you did, because we both know you would have left us sooner or later. In this way my child will not know what it feels like to have you, to suffer later because of your absence.

Thank you for making me grow

Our protagonist was forced to leave her lifestyle behind to discover new routines, new obligations and new avenues.

She left college to return to her childhood home. And she stopped partying and left her friends in that intense and colorful world to look for work. She became aware of her real priorities.

It was then that she discovered how many things she owed to the man who left her after a three-year relationship.

  • Thank you for making me realize that coke whiskeys are drinks from my past. Fresh juices are the drinks of my future.
  • And thank you for making me realize that hearing my little girl talking to me will always be better than the sound of a DJ at a party.
  • Thank you for teaching me that thousands of dirty diapers are better than waking up alone. Surrounded by vomit from the previous night.

Being a single mother is one of the greatest achievements for a woman

Being a single mother can help us understand and discover everything we are capable of. You become a mother and a father at the same time.

We suffer, cry in secret and even come to the thought that we cannot handle everything. But as the protagonist of this story proves, it can be achieved and it can be conquered.

It’s normal to miss the life you had before. The days when you only worried about your exams. Had a date with a guy you liked. Thought about your dreams or organized an unforgettable party.

Being a single mother when you are 15, 17 or 19 can be very difficult, but all things in life can be overcome. You can achieve it and no one can take away from you all the experience and wisdom you have gained.

You taught me that sometimes the prince isn’t the one to save the day. Sometimes the prince is a small child who rides on a horse and calls you “mama.” 

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