The Art Of Tickling And Kissing Your Baby’s Tummy

The art of tickling and kissing your baby's tummy

The wonderful art of tickling and kissing your baby’s tummy produces wonderful side effects. You are guaranteed to get explosive fits of laughter and positive emotions.

Few fathers and mothers can resist the temptation. To bury their faces in the tender belly of their baby. They create a symphony of tickling and kissing. Who bring out their baby’s most contagious giggles (and their own, too).

This is more than just a classic play activity for parents and babies. It is a way to build strong emotional and social bonds with our children early on.

Today in “You’re Mom” we want to talk about this healthy exercise. It’s an amazing kind of “therapy” that is passed down from generation to generation. The benefits are so enormous that you will probably continue to do it for years to come.

Of course, there will always come a day when your child grows up and says he is “too old for that sort of thing”.

Kissing your baby’s tummy to raise him with more love and less anger

Bath time and diaper change are perfect times to perform the magical art of kissing your baby’s tummy.

This is something you can do at a young age, although you should always be careful. The best places to kiss and tickle your baby are; on his belly, chest and the bottoms of his feet.

The results, you will see, are beautiful.

Releases oxytocin

Oxytocin is a hormone linked to affection, care and tenderness. It plays a key role in the bond we create with the people we love. The more positive physical contacts we share, the more oxytocin we release. Not only that, your baby is also getting a good dose of endorphins. The hormones associated with pleasure and well-being.

Tickling has a very concrete goal: to create social and emotional bonds

Tickle father and son

However, there is something that we all know for sure. To be tickled to make us laugh  and to be enjoyable, it has to come from someone we love.

  • No stranger should tickle your child. This is something your baby will learn very quickly. Only her parents and other confidants are allowed to tickle. These should be people who are part of her life and who provide her with well-being, entertainment and comfort.
  • Tickling creates social and emotional bonds between people from the same environment. This should be a group of people with a caring and intimate relationship in which positive emotions are shared.

Tickling and kissing strengthen the bond between you and your baby

Tickling and kissing on your baby’s neck, stomach and feet are a great way to bond with your baby. This is something so simple and so much fun for both baby and parents.

Not only that, it helps build a healthy bond with your baby. And of course we all know by now that bonding is something all children need. To grow up happily as well as to mature.

We must not forget that positive physical contact based on skin-to-skin contact is nourishment for the emotional health of your baby.

Those caresses and kisses that make your baby giggle are food for his soul. By taking care of your child’s emotional well-being, you are laying a foundation for him to feel loved and respected.

When a baby is angry or in the middle of a tantrum, there’s nothing better than a sudden symphony of tickling and kissing

Tickling baby's tummy

We’ve talked to you here many times about babies who demand a lot of your attention – babies who always seem to want everything and are constantly protesting.

  • Sometimes they refuse to put on their pajamas and sometimes they even go as far as yelling, hitting or pulling your hair.
  • If your child is very young, you must have already realized how pointless it is to talk and try to reason with him. So when the going gets tough, pull out two reliable tools: tickle and kiss.
  • You will be amazed at how your child’s mood changes almost instantly. The tension will disappear and you will be happy to see him start laughing right away.

Believe it or not, this is one way to show your child that he is being cared for and to help him manage his frustration. Later, he will reach a stage where you can sit down and reason with him. But during the first two years of life, this kind of emotional caress will be much more effective.

Respectful tickling is always more effective

Something that needs to be made clear is that tickling has a limit. If it bothers your child, stop immediately. Many of us have unpleasant childhood memories of a family member who held us and tickled us. When tickling is not desired, it can seem like torture rather than a pleasurable activity.

mommy tickles baby

However, we must be careful. We must remember that for this to be an “art”, it must be fair, limited and balanced. It is something that must be short, otherwise the pleasure and positive effect will turn the exact opposite.

Remember that respecting your child’s body and the boundaries he or she imposes is one way to teach your little one to demand respect for his or her body in the future.

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