The Benefits Of Having Children Walk Barefoot

The benefits of letting children walk barefoot

Kids love to take off their shoes. But why exactly is this? In this article you will discover the benefits of letting children walk barefoot.

Your child is also likely to be one of those kids who love to take off their shoes and walk around barefoot at home. You don’t pay attention and they have already taken their shoes off. Being able to move freely allows them to feel liberated.

But why do children almost always walk barefoot? Shall we just leave them alone? Or are you building a bad habit? Do not worry! In this article you will learn the many benefits of having children walk barefoot. You no longer have to believe the myth that children get sick from walking barefoot!

Children like to walk barefoot, but why?

Undoubtedly, taking off shoes is immediately followed by taking off socks. Why should this come as a surprise? It’s not just about the pleasant feeling and feeling liberated. It is equally about observing his toes and developing his motor skills.  

Of course, sometimes it seems that your child is being picky or naughty. You might think that your little one is seeking attention or rebelling against mom or dad. But the truth is that this behavior has to do with a need. One that is much more important than you think. 

In fact, the benefits of letting children walk barefoot are many. Everyone knows that babies are born with flat feet. But did you also know that walking barefoot promotes the formation of the arch of your child? Walking barefoot helps children to get a better grip. On the other hand, they develop better balance and avoid tripping or falling. 

In addition, it means that your child is learning when he takes off his shoes or clothes. He learns important skills that are developed during his childhood. Little by little , his motor skills become more refined. 

Don’t worry if your child ignores clear and simple rules like “don’t walk barefoot” or “don’t take your shoes off.”  Your patience will be tested when your toddler doesn’t obey these ground rules. Remember that your child’s stubborn behavior is simply a confirmation of his own personality.

Baby barefoot

That is precisely why experts recommend letting children walk barefoot indoors. The same is true when you are at the beach or in the countryside. Still, you may prefer to opt for non-slip socks indoors. These keep your child’s feet warm and prevent him from slipping and falling.

The benefits of letting children walk barefoot

Believe it or not, your baby’s feet have a better sense of touch than his hands until 9 months of age. That’s why feet play an important role in your baby’s neurological development. For toddlers, their feet are an important source of information from the outside world.

In addition, your child’s spatial awareness improves when he is barefoot because his feet are constantly in motion. In other words, leaving your child’s feet free from restrictive shoes improves the development of the central nervous system. As a result, your child’s motor skills are developed in the right way.

There’s more! The tactile information your child receives from being barefoot makes him more aware of his own body. This may sound crazy but this is something that your child will have a hard time defining.

Other benefits of letting children walk barefoot

Running it barefoot:

  • helps to avoid sweaty feet and athlete’s foot.
  • helps to obtain the correct position of the feet when learning to walk.
  • relieves pressure on the knees and strengthens the leg muscles.
  • is beneficial for the foot and ankle muscles.
  • promotes circulation and oxygen levels.
  • provides a good grip and relaxation and at the same time it is a good foot massage. 
  • does not lead to diseases because the thick layer of fat in your baby’s feet ensures that your child does not get sick.
Playing barefoot basketball

Advice for moms of children who like to walk barefoot

  • Never let your child walk on wet surfaces as they may slip and fall.
  • Check the floors in your house to make sure there is nothing to hurt your child. 
  • Provide a pleasant temperature indoors. Leave the heating on during the winter months and place a thick rug on the floor. This way your child does not have to walk on a cold floor.
  • Don’t forget to adapt your home to your child’s developmental stage. Remember that this phase is characterized by the desire to move constantly. Your child constantly wants to discover the world around him.

What about you? Does your child like to walk barefoot? What are you waiting for to say goodbye to shoes? Every child is different so don’t forget to share your own experiences with us! 

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