The Importance Of The Sling For The Development Of Your Baby

The importance of the sling for the development of your baby

Expectant parents have to make many decisions before their baby arrives. For example, many parents spend a lot of time choosing the right stroller. But today, on You are Mom , we would like to propose a simpler alternative: the baby sling!

Have you ever thought about the benefits of carrying your child in direct contact with your body? Keeping your baby close to you is very beneficial to your baby’s physical and emotional development.

It is not only a beautiful and emotional experience for the mother to have her child so close to her. Carrying your baby with you is also very good for babies.

Being close to you gives your baby an intense sense of protection and security that makes him feel much more comfortable. In addition, it strengthens the bond and closeness between a mother and her newborn.

These are just a few examples of the many benefits of using the baby carrier.

Read on below to discover even more reasons to choose the baby carrier for your baby. We are sure you won’t regret it!

The benefits of baby wraps for your baby’s body

Children who have grown up with the sling have advanced psychomotor development. The constant rocking of your own movements provides better balance and control over your child’s posture.

At the same time, babies who are in seats or prams for extended periods of time need more time to adjust to the changes in their bodies.

Newborn babies have a natural C shape in their spine, which is normal and should be respected as such. However, a healthy baby’s back will straighten over time.

If an 11 month old baby still has a C-shaped spine, this is neither normal nor healthy. It’s a sign that he’s probably spent too much time lying or sitting in a stroller or seat.

Newborn babies have a natural C-shape in their spine

The same child may have a deformed head – a condition called plagiocephaly. This is the result of spending too much time in prams, infant seats or car seats that are not suitable for your child’s physical development.

Baby carriers such as wraps, slings and ergonomic backpacks provide the necessary support for your baby’s entire body. They adapt to the changes that every baby’s body goes through.

These changes will allow your child to crawl, sit, stand and walk in the future. Keep in mind that ergonomic backpacks should only be used if your baby can sit up unaided. Until then, you will have to opt for a wrap or sling.

The sling promotes the freedom and autonomous movements of your baby. This, in turn, promotes muscle training. In other words, it enables more natural, functional and structural development.

The sling is the key to children’s physiological development

There are two suitable places for children: on the floor and in the loving arms of their parents. There is no doubt about that. Both places are essential to guarantee the correct motor development of your child.

In addition , the movements of the wearer make the baby ‘s body stronger. The baby sling imitates the feeling your child experienced as an embryo in your womb.

But not only that. The importance of the sling also has to do with the physiological aspects of a child. Here are some of the benefits we want to share with you:

  • The sling involves your baby in its environment and develops and stimulates all its senses.
  • The sling gives the adult his hands free. Not only does he not have to hold the baby, he also does not have to push a pram, etc. This means that the whole family has more freedom of movement.
  • You may think that the sling is harmful to the wearer’s back. But in fact the exact opposite is true. Ergonomic baby carriers distribute the baby’s weight and reduce the strain. And you know, it even helps strengthen your muscles and improve your posture!
The sling is the key to children's physiological development
  • In a good baby carrier, the child is always in a vertical position, which has a secret advantage: less gas (air in the belly) for your baby! The vertical position benefits your child’s digestive system and makes it easier for him to get rid of the built-up gases.

Even more benefits of the sling

The sling strengthens the relationship between parent and child. The baby carrier allows you to carry your baby close to you. And that contributes to the attachment of the baby to its parents. Remember that a strong emotional and physical bond with at least one primary caregiver is critical to your child’s personal development.

Using the sling is both practical and comfortable. It leaves our hands free and allows us to rest our arms. Another big advantage is that parents who use the sling say that their babies cry less often and sleep much better.

In addition, researchers of the ‘kangaroo method’ show that children who have skin-to-skin contact with a parent or caregiver gain weight faster.

The use of the sling also has a positive influence on the socialization of your child. Children who are carried around all the time tend to be more sociable. They have less difficulty integrating into daily life.

That’s not so surprising. After all, these babies take an active part in daily activities from their baby carrier.

And now finally, the baby carrier is considered very beneficial for breastfeeding. Because you have your child so close to you, oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, is secreted.

This hormone promotes the flow of breast milk, which guarantees optimal breastfeeding. 

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