The Importance Of Vitamin D

The Importance of Vitamin D

Your baby is constantly growing, both physically and mentally. That is why today we would like to share with you the importance of vitamin D with regard to the health of your child. 

Vitamin D is very helpful as it helps the body absorb several important minerals, including calcium. It also helps strengthen teeth and bones.

Vitamin D acts like a hormone and has many different functions. It helps maintain the proper functioning of the blood vessels and the brain.

This provitamin is also an excellent factor when it comes to heart, immune and respiratory system health.

It is important to keep in mind that the human body is able to produce its own vitamin D naturally. This happens as long as we regularly and sensibly come into contact with the sun and the outdoors.

Why is it important to consume vitamin D under medical supervision?

This provitamin plays an essential role in the protection and general functioning of the nervous system and bone structures of the body.

The amount of vitamin D that should be taken is specific. The concentration is different depending on the source and it can be found both artificially and naturally in food.

Therefore, you should consider your pediatrician’s recommendations before administering it. There are some important factors related to vitamin D that can affect your child’s quality of life, namely:

  • Vitamin D deficiency can cause diarrhea as well as kidney and liver disease.
  • It can also reduce bone mineralization and thereby cause bone fragility.
  • Rickets in children.
  • Skin cancer, which can be caused by overexposure of your child’s skin to the sun.

Foods That Are a Source of Vitamin D

Vitamin D in eggs

There are several delicious foods that contain provitamins. Some examples are:

  • Yogurt
  • Fish
  • Orange juice
  • Milk
  • Cereals
  • Cheeses
  • Eggs (yolk)

Your baby will feel great after consuming any of these nutritious foods!

The concentration of vitamin D varies depending on the food. Depending on the age of your child, you should therefore increase or decrease the portions.

Details on the topic

Vitamin D in grains

You have probably asked yourself several times what vitamins actually are. The answer is that they are substances found in foods. These allow the development of your body.

All vitamins perform specific tasks such as:

  • Milk, liver, oranges and vegetables with dark leaves are good sources of vitamin A. Carrots in particular have the ability to significantly improve night vision in particular.
  • Vitamin B is needed to produce energy. Meat, eggs, seafood and whole grains are all excellent options to ensure the amounts your child needs.
  • Vitamin C helps when it comes to the healing processes. For example, it is found in citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli and kiwi.
  • Vitamin D in milk helps develop teeth and bones. This element is also present in grains, fish, liver and eggs. That is why this food should not be missing in our little one’s diet.


Nature is a great supplier from which the human body benefits. Sunlight plays an important role in this. That is why doctors recommend that we expose our children to the sun for about 20 to 30 minutes.

It is recommended that babies older than 6 months be exposed to the sun between 7am – 10am and 4pm – 6pm.

The amount of time we expose them to sunlight depends on each child. Babies under 6 months should not be exposed to direct sunlight. This can damage their sensitive skin. At this age, babies still get all the necessary vitamin D through breast milk.

Both children and adults can suffer from vitamin D deficiencies. Therefore, to avoid that, a healthy diet is key. 

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