The Influence Of The Walking Epidural On Childbirth

The influence of the walking epidural on childbirth

The use of an intermediate anesthetic during childbirth has been studied and researched many times. One of the great achievements in this area is ‘the walking epidural’ .

The great advantage of the walking epidural is that the pain is reduced, without paralyzing the mother. In this way, she can contribute to the process of childbirth with greater ease.

This anesthetic is also known as the ‘ambulatory epidural’ . The mother-to-be can still walk around, but the pain is inhibited.

The body does not fall asleep, as with other forms of anesthesia.  This medicine can be very helpful during the first three hours of labour.

Doctors say the walking epidural is just as safe as the regular and more familiar epidural. The big advantage is that the mother can still move in the most comfortable position to push.

This also has a positive effect psychologically, because the woman feels involved and is in control of this unforgettable moment.

Application Technique

The procedure is similar to the traditional epidural. The difference is in the medication and the prescribed dose.

The patient sits and forms a ā€œCā€ with her back. The injection is placed between two vertebrae. A needle places a catheter through which the anesthetic goes.

woman giving birth

The influence of the walking epidural on childbirth

  • The ability to move. When the epidural is done, the woman will not lose the feeling in her legs. She can move without feeling the pain of the contractions, which speeds up the dilation.
  • More comfort.  By having control in her lower body, the woman can take the position she wants. In this way she is part of the delivery in a way that makes her feel more secure.
  • Easier pressing.  One of the most difficult and beautiful stages is finding the strength to help the baby out. The walking epidural has been shown to make this moment easier for the mother.
  • It takes effect quickly.  Once put, the walking epidural has a faster effect than the traditional epidural.
  • Fewer problems with urination.  The fact that the muscles are less inhibited means that it is easier to urinate.
  • Apply in different phases.  This anesthetic can be administered during different stages of labour. A special doctor or nurse will decide when it is time to use this. Of course this is done in consultation with the mother.

Disadvantages of a walking epidural

  • The catheter cannot be moved.
  • It causes more nausea than a normal epidural.
  • Some people believe that it induces a small tremor in the legs, which causes an unwanted pain.
  • The opioids that are administered cause itching of the skin. 
  • Headache.

While it sounds great, this kind of anesthetic can’t always be applied. Like anything to do with health, a doctor must determine if this form of anesthesia is appropriate.

It is also the case that  when the delivery is already advanced, the walking epidural is not recommended. In these cases it is recommended to use the traditional epidural.

The epidural supplies

Do all medical centers have the walking epidural?

Some hospitals do not yet have this type of anesthetic.  This is mainly because it requires special protocols. The medical centers need more staff and resources to be able to perform deliveries with a walking epidural.

After the anesthetic has been administered and begins to work, the patient should be monitored to make sure she is in control of her legs.  This is done through special techniques that cannot be done anywhere else.

It is imperative that the mother is assisted by another adult she trusts.  Apart from the necessary psychological support that is sorely needed on this day, this person will be of great help throughout the process.

An unexpected effect of the anesthetic may cause discomfort or accidents. Someone who assists you is then of great importance.

In all deliveries, the monitoring of the fetus is paramount.  When everything is supervised, the risks can be reduced and the doctor will always be able to decide what is best for mother and child.

Being informed and well prepared is an obligation that parents must fulfill.  Their participation in everything that happens around birth should be out of love and responsibility. 

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