The Little Emperor Syndrome In Children

Does your child often have tantrums or use verbal and physical violence when they don’t get their way? Maybe he suffers from ‘little emperor syndrome’.
Little Emperor's Syndrome in Children

Have you ever heard of Little Emperor Syndrome in children? It is a mental illness that changes the behavior of children.

They become authoritarian and try to exercise power and control over the rest of the family members.

Little Emperor syndrome in children is a relatively new phenomenon, also known as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). The children who express it try to gain power and impose it on all the people around them on a daily basis.

The parents of these children have a really hard time making decisions that go against the wishes of the child. This can even be in trivial matters, such as choosing which TV channel to watch or what food to eat that night.

Of course, this also applies to broader issues such as where to go on vacation, buying new toys or even deciding whether to get a new sibling or not.

How to recognize Little Emperor syndrome in children

As the name implies, this syndrome is characterized by the child’s refusal to let someone else make decisions for him.

He wants to be in permanent control of his environment.  If he doesn’t feel like he has, he usually resorts to aggression.

This is what often occurs in these situations:

  • Anger attacks and outbursts.
  • Verbal and physical aggressiveness towards their parents and superiors.
  • Attempts to psychologically manipulate their parents.
  • Frequent egocentric behavior.
  • Almost no tolerance for frustration.
  • Excessive and irrational demands.
  • He plays the victim to try to convince his parents.
How to recognize Little Emperor syndrome in children

Why does this syndrome occur?

Researchers point to the theory that this problem is caused by the limited amount of time children spend with their parents and other adult relatives. The causes seem to be more social than biological.

There is an undeniable fact that confirms this idea. Children are not born tyrants, but they become so as the years go by. In addition, according to experts, the average age of children with this syndrome is getting lower and lower.

What do parents’ working hours have to do with little emperor syndrome in children? Well, it seems that the lack of time they share with their kids means they can’t set clear boundaries in parenting.

In addition , there is a sense of guilt that makes them agree to their child’s requests and whims more than they should. As a result, children discover that it is not a difficult task to manipulate them.

It’s not something that just happens to an only child. In fact, there are many children without siblings who have been properly raised. And who do not suffer from this mental illness.

Similarly, there are also little ones with siblings who try to control them and their parents.

What to do with such children?

The first thing that needs to be resolved is the use of force. Whether it’s parents, brothers, teachers or school authorities, it must be stopped.

To achieve this, the example and hard work of the parents is fundamental. The importance of dialogue, respect and tolerance must be conveyed.

On the other hand, you will also need to work on encouraging empathy in the child. This means teaching them to think about how others feel in each situation and how they can respond positively.

Perhaps the most important thing is also to set boundaries and limits from scratch.

The child must understand at all times that rules of conduct exist, both at home and in other institutions. He must realize that he must abide by these rules and that they must lead his life.

In children where this understanding flows smoothly and produces results, it is also important to introduce positive reinforcement. Recognition and rewards for following the rules will make the child carry them out with greater positivity and ease.

There is, of course, one final aspect that is central and non-negotiable, which is time.

Having his parents with them playing their true role will prevent the child from suffering from Little Emperor Syndrome at any point.

He will know that his parents are there for him, that they care for him and that he should respect them.

What to do with Little Emperor Syndrome in Children

School and the adolescent years

We end here by mentioning something that is becoming more and more common these days.

Teachers often object to the demands of disobedient students, which makes sense. As a result, they often receive complaints and even abuse from parents, who question their authority and their decisions.

This only promotes Little Emperor Syndrome in children. Again, the child uses his powers of manipulation to get out of these demands and uses his parents for his own benefit.

There is also something similar that happens during adolescence. By this time, the kids are oblivious to the limits and firmly believe that they can always get their way.

This can lead to violent behavior towards parents and friends. It is essential to seek professional help if this happens.

In short, on the one hand, parents must guarantee that their children will not lack anything as they grow up. But on the other hand, they should never be afraid to set rules and boundaries.  If they don’t, your child’s studies, future work and social development will be severely affected. 

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