The Montessori Method Of Decorating The Nursery

Get to know the Montessori education system method of decorating the nursery, to help develop your child’s creativity in a unique and safe environment.
The Montessori method of decorating the nursery

When it comes to decorating the nursery, we can start by buying a lot of accessories that we think they will feel comfortable with in their new environment.

But what parents consider comfortable is sometimes not really comfortable for a child.

What is the Montessori method of decorating the nursery?

The Montessori method is a child-centred approach to education with optimal learning outcomes.

Every child has different skills. Therefore, the basis of the Montessori method is to allow each child to experiment with these skills.

One of the key features of the system is that little ones have an innate desire to learn from and interact with their environment.

Therefore, an environment is required that is designed for a child, rather than encouraging them to seek the comfort of an adult.

Exploring is one of the main goals of Montessori education. What better place for that than in the child’s own room.

The nursery can become a place to discover and learn. With the Montessori method, all these objectives can be achieved through specific decoration.

The decor of the nursery

How can you apply the Montessori method in the nursery?

It is very common to see children’s rooms adapted to the needs of the parents. However, the decor of the nursery inspired by the Montessori method involves the following:

  • Room. The concept focuses on a large, clean and well-lit space with good ventilation.
  • Bed. It is recommended to avoid the usual slats and closed cribs after the age of 18 months. The Montessori method of decorating the nursery encourages having a low bed on the floor. In this way you protect the safety of your child and he can explore without getting stuck on or next to the bed.
  • walls. Choose colors that provide tranquility, such as warm tones. Remember that this will be your child’s personal space. Warm colors invite you to relax and have a pleasant rest.
  • Floor. The floor should be free of obstacles so that the child can move easily around the room. If possible, opt for rugs that allow the child to explore different textures.

What else do you need to think about?

It is of course not only about the design, but also about the layout. So read on quickly to discover what else you need to know.

  • Furniture. Furniture such as drawers, chairs, pictures and shelves should be at the height of the child. not at the height of an adult. In this way, your child will feel comfortable in this environment, because everything is within reach.
  • Toys. Toys should be made of natural materials such as fabric or wood, rather than plastic. Keep in mind that very elaborate toys with light and sound limit creativity.
  • Accessories. Mirrors allow children to observe and discover their bodies. You can also put up posters of nature, animals or landscapes. Coat racks should be placed so that children can hang their own clothes.
  • Cleaned up. Cleanup should be encouraged and enforced. There should be enough space for everything. There should never be too many things in the room making it impossible to keep it tidy.
Decorating the nursery with the Montessori method

7 advantages of decorating the nursery according to the Montessori method

Furnishing a nursery according to the Montessori method has, among other things, the following advantages:

  • The child becomes more independent and independent.
  • It gives the child the freedom to develop his creativity.
  • Learning is faster and it adapts easily to different environments.
  • It contributes to the overall development of the child.
  • The child is central to its own learning.
  • The child’s learning happens at his own pace.
  • The Montessori method sees the child as a capable being rather than as helpless.

Go ahead and give your kid a Montessori style room.

Apart from all the advantages mentioned above, these ideas are also more economical and functional than traditional rooms.

You can also find additional decorating ideas by doing an online search, for example. 

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