Understandable Emotions During A High-risk Pregnancy

When you are dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, many emotions are going through your mind. Don’t blame yourself and get the right support.
Understandable emotions during a high-risk pregnancy

While the main pregnancy recommendations focus on having a positive attitude, sometimes this isn’t quite possible. For example, when we are dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, it is difficult to remain calm and carefree.

Certain emotions overwhelm us when we consider that things may not go as well as we hope.

Over the course of nine months, we may encounter different situations as it is quite a long process. We want it to pass quickly for a variety of reasons, but in general we also want  it to all just run as normal. We know that when things go wrong, time slows down and everything becomes torture.

Somehow, most of our positive emotions are suddenly replaced by restlessness, fear and uncertainty. Unfortunately, motherhood doesn’t always enjoy the understanding it deserves. It’s not that we want to feel that way; we just can’t avoid it.

What do women feel when they have a high-risk pregnancy

What do women feel when they have a high-risk pregnancy?

It’s one thing to have negative feelings out of nowhere and quite another  to be reminded in an extreme way throughout the day that we need to take care of ourselves. Sometimes a high-risk pregnancy is exhausting and painful; therefore, it can be hard not to get overwhelmed.

Medical care, endless rest and drastic changes in habits can make women suffer twice as much. It’s not just our inner concern that everything is going well, we have to deal with it every minute.

While every pregnancy is different, just like all women, fears will certainly appear. It is normal to feel depressed or anxious and even guilty. Now we will explain how these feelings are normal for women with a high-risk pregnancy.


A state of uneasiness is common in most pregnancies, but it is magnified in a high-risk pregnancy. Women in this situation may worry about themselves and their baby to the utmost.

They are afraid to even imagine their baby as there is no guarantee it will be born and this thought is terrifying. Is it wrong to think your child is going to die? No, it’s an understandable feeling. Women can feel this way because their doctors warned them about such a result.

It helps to talk about it, to be informed and to follow all medical guidelines. Go to the controls and apply the recommendations to promote a favorable outcome. It is also recommended to share this with other mothers in the same situation and to seek support from family.


This feeling is perhaps least understood by others. Why would you feel guilty? It’s completely normal to feel this way. Depending on the reasons your pregnancy is considered risky, you may think it’s all your fault. Every little detail can make us think we are guilty.

The truth is, it’s hardly our fault. The pregnancy is complicated due to specific circumstances beyond our control.

For example, if we had a habit that could have made things worse, remember that we weren’t always pregnant. We had that habit then, not anymore. In that sense, we can’t be sure whether or not you will start to feel guilty, but it is necessary to understand it.

It is also possible that the pregnant woman feels guilty about not being able to perform other tasks. Perhaps rest prevents you from caring for your older children or your partner. While there is no reason to feel guilty, it is natural to feel that way. We should offer you all our understanding and support.

Pregnant woman on white couch


Like guilt, this feeling is considered negative. Certain conditions that determined the risk of this pregnancy can make us feel resentful. Why me? Why now? These kinds of emotions are especially common when pregnancy affects our day-to-day performance.

It may happen that the woman has to stop studying or working, so she complains about her situation and condemns it. It is also common in unplanned pregnancies; after paying so much attention, we are now going through this terrible situation.

In these cases, the main thing is not to judge the future mother. Rather, try to understand how she feels.


Like any other feeling, it comes from an excess of present and future. We are terrified of what we are going through now and what lies ahead. It’s normal to wonder if we can keep up, because it’s a challenge that’s quite difficult to handle. We may also feel that we are alone and that no one is supporting us.

Doubting our own abilities makes it difficult to follow recommended guidelines. And it hinders the ability to adjust our routine.

When we are careful, there are still things that can be done for a high-risk pregnancy. Feeling insecure is understandable, but with support and determination it can be overcome.


Forced idleness causes boredom. We may no longer feel excited about having to rest at home for so long. We want to return to our activities or come up with  something new to entertain ourselves. This feeling can also trigger other negative emotions, such as resentment.

Enduring an endless rest with unappealing meals and constant boredom can cause us to become depressed and worry too much. It is therefore necessary to prevent boredom as much as possible. We should not allow fear or other unwanted feelings to flourish. 

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