What A Father Does For His Little Girl

What a father does for his little girl

What a father can teach his little girl cannot be described in a book, only  in her heart. A father who is present in his daughter’s life and good at giving attention is something very special. His tenderness adds beauty and imagination to his daughter’s life.

Something we all know is that you have hopes and dreams when you have a child. However, after a while we find out that things are not always so easy. Raising a child has its challenges. You have many obligations and responsibilities that require constant sacrifice.

Many of the dreams we had in the beginning seem to be going up in smoke. But we never lose our desire to pursue new dreams that fit our children’s expectations and needs.

Today in You are mama we want to talk in detail about these dreams and hopes. A father should not only think about his dreams, but also go after them.

Without a doubt, this is something many fathers already do. They are an important part of their little girl’s life. And in the future, these little girls will grow up to be happy women, thanks to their father.

5 things a dad does for his little girl

“It’s not enough to tell me I’m your father and you my little girl: I have to show it.”

Being a father is easy. In fact , it ‘s one of the easiest things ever. But a good father knows that he has to earn this title over time and work for it constantly and unconditionally. A father needs to bond with his little girl and make sure he is someone she can trust.

  • Daddy is there with every new word and every time she falls as she grows up.
  • Daddy is like a big kid that she can play with. But it’s not always just playing. Fathers must also lead the way in their daughters’ lives, take care of them and give them advice. Fathers should be mature, brave and happy adults who love themselves and, of course, their daughters.

A father also has a sensitive side and he shows this to his daughter by putting himself in her shoes. He understands her and does his best to meet her needs. A father tries to empathize, even if it’s a little strange at times.

He does all of this because he knows it’s the best he can give her. And in doing so, he earns the most important title of his life: Dad.

“I will keep my promises.”

Every boy and girl needs a consistent, stable, safe and wise upbringing. When a father makes a promise to his daughter but doesn’t keep it, it leaves scars.

When a father says he will always be there for her, he really has to mean it. When he makes her feel like she’s not a priority, she’ll come to believe that the people around her can’t be trusted. She will see the world as something painful and she will not take promises seriously.

A responsible father understands that he must keep his promises.

“I will teach you to be strong and brave, not just my little princess.”

A good father knows very well that being beautiful in this world does not make you happy. Of course your little girl is the most beautiful and perfect person you have ever seen.

But a father must teach his daughter to be strong and brave. He must encourage her to fight for her dreams—the dreams she chooses.

A father wants his daughter to be able to stand up for herself and justify her actions.

He will help her to live according to her values. Dad will guide her daily and lay the foundation for a healthy self-confidence. He will guide her through the lessons that will help her understand the world around her.

He will teach her that happiness comes from the heart and not from good looks.

“I will teach you not to be afraid.”

In the early years of her life, Daddy will be the superhero who conquers nightmares and monsters in the closet and helps her get over her insecurities when she is just starting out for a walk or school.

But, little by little, day by day, Daddy will start to give advice. He will dispel her fears so that she can make good choices. He will make sure she is brave and brave enough to achieve her goals. In this way she will not be hindered by doubts and uncertainties.

“You are the love of my life, but I will let you go when you find yours.”

It’s always been said that no man is good enough for a father’s little girl. However, a good father knows that he must give his daughter space to make her own choices. She can choose the people she wants in her life, even if she sometimes makes mistakes. She will learn from these mistakes.

He won’t blame her if she makes mistakes. His door will always be open. Dad understands, is always close and reminds her that love is an adventure that is always worth it. But of course she must never forget what she is worth so that she will choose the right person. 

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