What Happens When We Become Mothers

Motherhood comes with many uncertainties and worries, but we do everything we can to keep our little one safe and healthy.
What happens when we become mothers

The long-awaited moment arrives. We finally have our baby in our arms and an eternal bond is forged. When we become mothers, our lives will be changed forever.

Once we get home with our newborn baby, we will have to perform some basic tasks that require maternal skills.

When we become mothers, we face numerous responsibilities that are completely new to us and we essentially form a new identity.

There are so many new things to think about that you’re probably going crazy simply trying to figure out where to start.

Obviously, the first thing to do is to keep your baby safe and healthy… While this may seem like a simple task, it will generate a lot of fears that you need to work on.

What happens when we become mothers

Our first days when we become mothers

The need to keep an eye on all the events that normally happen is one of the most natural and primary feelings that mothers experience. Suddenly you become aware with intense tenderness that the life of your little one depends on you. As mothers, we must guide them in their journeys.

Of course, many other fundamental concerns start to appear and eventually this overwhelms us. Therefore, from the moment a mother is born, a woman is also born who takes care of her baby despite her fears and fatigue.

A mother’s job then becomes that of a guardian, a friend, a lawyer, an accomplice and a protector. The moment we realize what we have become is very special and personal.

In fact, it is usually a feeling that suddenly appears in our consciousness. It can happen at any time or in any place. This connection can take place, for example, in the hospital, at home or a week later while walking on the street.

The unstoppable desire to take care of our babies

That intense feeling of connecting with our inner protective mother can occur when we hold our babies in our arms and feel how small and vulnerable they are, when we breastfeed or watch them sleep.

When we become mothers, many worries are also born. For example, the common concern of mothers is that they are concerned about whether their baby is breathing properly.

The impulse that leads us to verify that our child is okay is intense and very powerful. If you don’t pay attention to this feeling, it can even lead to a serious anxiety crisis.

We also worry that our children will feel bad if they don’t get the attention they need. Fortunately, these concerns diminish over time. However, they will never completely disappear.

A mother with a two-year-old will worry about electrical plugs, while a mother of a pre-teen will worry about kidnappers or car accidents.

The unstoppable desire to take care of our babies when we become mothers

Help your baby grow and develop

Mothers develop together with their children as they grow up and start new life stages. A second group of concerns that mothers have is related to the growth and development of the baby.

We are often overwhelmed with concerns about whether our child is too big or too small. We worry whether they are developing well, whether they are inquisitive or not, etc.

To other people, these may seem like minor concerns. For us, it’s an internal debate full of reproach about our abilities as mothers.

That’s why, when we become mothers, thousands of insecurities and extra worries accompany us.

These are things that are hard to tolerate, but over time we learn how to deal with them.

That’s how our own mothers lived. This is how we raise our precious children and this is how mothers-to-be will continue to take care of their little ones. Because even doubts and fears add up when we talk about motherhood…

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