Why Babies Should Not Use Pillows

Why Babies Shouldn't Use Pillows

One of the most important things all mothers should know is that babies should not use pillows to sleep. Do you also know why that is so?

While many people think it’s okay for small babies or even newborns to use pillows, it’s really not recommended. That’s because the proportions of a newborn baby’s body are different from an adult’s.  Their necks are small and their heads are much larger compared to the rest of their bodies.

It is very important to avoid pillows until the baby really needs them. If he sleeps with a pillow before he’s ready , he risks being smothered by it.

Below we discuss some other reasons why babies should not use pillows for sleeping.

Why Babies Shouldn't Use Pillows

Why Babies Shouldn’t Use Pillows

  • It could cause SIDS. If you put a pillow down so the baby  can lie on his stomach while he sleeps, he won’t be able to turn around. He can choke as a result. This could also happen with stuffed animals or small pillows, so you should also keep them far from the crib.
  • If a baby uses a pillow, it can cause an unnatural formation of the spine. This forces the natural curves of the neck. This is because the baby has a smaller neck and the head is proportionally larger than the rest of the body.
  • It is not comfortable for a baby to sleep on pillows. While you may find it comfortable to sleep on multiple pillows, your baby won’t. And if he doesn’t sleep well, he’ll be irritable and a little grumpy the next day. Sleeping with a pillow can also make it harder for him to fall asleep.
  • It could cause allergies.  This is also an important factor to consider. When washing a pillow or cushion, we often use perfumed fabric softeners. These types of products are not recommended for babies as they are still developing their sense of smell.

When can babies use pillows?

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children do not start using pillows until they are two years old. If you do want to give your child a pillow by then, choose a thin, small and firm pillow.

In fact, from this point on, it’s actually even advisable that they use a pillow. Their shoulders are now wider than their heads. When a child sleeps on his side, his head will start to hang if his head is not supported by a pillow.

The pillow should be made of a material that allows them to breathe well, such as cotton. It is best to avoid materials such as polyester. These types of materials can impede the oxygen supply and cause excessive heating of the head and neck.

Tips to prevent SIDS

In addition to avoiding using a pillow, there are other ways to prevent SIDS:

  • Lay your baby on its back. Babies should always sleep on their backs. Sleeping on your stomach should be avoided as much as possible.
  • The mattress should be exactly the same size as the crib and should not be too soft.
  • The baby should lie well down with the feet close to the foot end. The sheets should also be tucked properly under the mattress.
Pillows for the baby are not recommended
  • It is advisable not to use blankets made of elastic or plastic fabrics.
  • The temperature in the bedroom should be kept between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius.
  • When the baby is sleeping, it is advisable not to put him in very warm clothes or under very thick blankets.
  • It is not recommended to put a baby to bed with their parents before the age of 13 weeks.
  • In the first months of the baby’s life, it is recommended that the crib is placed near the parent’s bed.

Most importantly, a baby should not use a pillow until he is old enough. A pillow at too young an age can be harmful to the child’s body and health. The more comfortable the child’s crib is for resting, the better. 

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