Why Do Babies Suddenly Wake Up Crying?

Babies have many feelings and sensations. Sometimes anxiety and nervousness can cause babies to suddenly wake up crying. Find out more in this article.
Why do babies suddenly wake up crying?

Many parents suffer from insomnia because their babies suddenly wake up crying. In general, this happens more often at night than during the day because they feel uncomfortable. Crying is the best way for them to communicate that they are not happy.

However, sometimes it is obvious that babies cry because they want to. They have to get rid of their energy by doing something, because it’s not all about growing and developing.

Sometimes babies suddenly wake up crying because they want to draw attention to certain needs. On the other hand, they also cry for things they just want.

Reasons why babies suddenly wake up crying at night

There are many different reasons why babies suddenly wake up crying in the middle of the night. The most common follow below.

Hungry and want to eat

In general, babies cry to express that it is time to eat again. Sometimes babies can cry for up to every two or three hours because they are hungry.

Uncomfortable in their environment

Babies can suddenly wake up from a nap if they feel uncomfortable. Among other things, they can be too cold or too thirsty, or perhaps stung by an insect. To avoid this, parents should be aware of the conditions in which their baby sleeps.

Make sure that mosquitoes cannot sting. Also make sure that there are no strong or irritating odors or large gusts of wind and that they cannot be bothered by, for example, rain. Not only will these things cause babies to wake up, but they can also make your baby sick.

Bad sleeping position

Always try to place babies in a good position before bedtime. However, if they are restless while sleeping, they may suddenly change position. Depending on how they move, they can cramp.

Baby suddenly wakes up crying: spitting

Baby suddenly wakes up crying

It is normal for all babies to spit up during the first few months. If it happens while they are sleeping, they can start to choke. As a result, they may suddenly wake up crying, feeling uncomfortable.

In addition, if they have just eaten, make sure they sleep a little elevated. That way, there’s less chance of them having to spit in bed.

Other Reasons Babies Suddenly Wake Up Crying

Appearance of rash

This is common in babies who have a lot of moisture and whose skin gets irritated very easily. If your baby has that, then you should try to get good ventilation in the room. Also make sure your baby always wears clean clothes.

Inappropriate clothing

One of the most common reasons why babies suddenly wake up crying is because they feel uncomfortable wearing clothes that bother them.

Small children tend to outgrow their clothes very quickly because they grow so fast. In the eyes of their parents, however, they are always the same size. On the contrary, tight clothing can make the blood flow harder.


Babies may cry in the middle of the night because they are sick. If this behavior continues and you don’t know why, it’s important to see a doctor immediately. The pediatrician may perform tests to rule out other health problems as the reason for the sleeping problems.

Nightmares that scare them

It is very common for babies to wake up in the middle of the night because they had a bad dream. Many babies start to cry because they are afraid of the nightmare they just had.

Conclusion on why babies suddenly wake up crying

Crying baby in blue suit

Not all babies express their emotions or feelings in the same way. It is therefore important for parents to learn to understand their baby’s messages, whether through crying or other body language.

It is also important not to spoil your baby too much. Babies sometimes cry because they want something, not because they need something.

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